My Shepherd BFF

7 Week Old German Shepherd: What You Need to Know

7 week old german shepherd puppy walking on grass

Are you a proud owner of a 7-week-old German Shepherd? Congratulations! These baby GSDs are adorable, full of energy, and have the potential to become loyal companions.

As a new pup parent, it’s important to understand the breed characteristics of this old puppy and start socializing and training them early on.

Early socialization and training can help prevent behavioral problems down the line. It’s important to expose your young shepherd to different environments, people, and other animals in order for them to develop into well-rounded adult dogs.

Let’s get started!

7 Week Old German Shepherd Puppy: Overview

7 week old german shepherd puppy sitting

If you’ve just brought home a 7 week old puppy, you may be wondering what the ideal weight and height range is for your furry friend at this age.

Average weight & height at this age

The average weight and height of a 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy can vary, but here are some general guidelines:


At around 7 weeks old, a GSD puppy typically weighs between 11 to 17 pounds (5 to 7.7 kilograms). However, individual puppies may weigh slightly more or less depending on their genetics, diet, and overall health.


German Shepherd puppies at 7 weeks old usually measure around 10 to 12 inches (25 to 30 centimeters) at the shoulder. Again, keep in mind that these measurements are approximate, and there can be some variation among puppies.

It’s important to note that these measurements are just averages, and individual puppies may deviate from them.

It’s always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian who can provide more specific information about your particular puppy’s growth and development.

Factors that can affect the size

Several factors can influence the size of a German Shepherd puppy at 7 weeks old.

Genetics play a significant role in determining how big your pup will get as an adult.

If both parents are large dogs, then chances are your pup will also grow up to be on the larger side.

On the other hand, if one or both parents are smaller in size, then your pup may also end up being smaller than average.

Nutrition also plays an essential role in determining your pup’s growth rate and overall health.

Puppies require a balanced diet with adequate protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water to support healthy development.

Feeding your pup high-quality food formulated specifically for puppies can help ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

RELATED: Do German Shepherd Puppies Change Color?

7 Week old German Shepherd Puppy Behavior

1. Playfulness

German Shepherd puppies at this age are generally very playful and full of energy.

They enjoy exploring their surroundings, engaging in interactive play with toys and other dogs or humans.

Play is an important part of their development as it helps them build coordination, social skills, and confidence.

7 week old german shepherd puppy pulling

2. Curiosity

Puppies of this age are naturally curious and eager to explore the world around them.

They may investigate new objects, smells, and sounds with enthusiasm.

It’s important to provide a safe and stimulating environment for them to satisfy their curiosity while keeping potential hazards out of their reach.

3. Teething and chewing

Around 7 weeks old, puppies start teething, which can lead to chewing behavior.

Your German Shepherd puppy may chew on various objects to alleviate discomfort caused by teething.

Providing appropriate chew toys and redirecting their chewing behavior can help prevent destructive chewing and promote healthy dental development.

Sleep Requirements

At 7 weeks old, a German Shepherd puppy typically requires a significant amount of sleep to support their growth and development.

On average, they may sleep anywhere between 18 to 20 hours per day.

Puppies at this age have bursts of energy followed by periods of rest, and they tend to nap frequently throughout the day.

It’s important to provide a quiet and comfortable space for your puppy to rest undisturbed.

Establishing a consistent daily routine that includes designated nap times can be beneficial.

Remember that individual puppies may have slight variations in their sleep needs, and some may require more or less sleep than others.

RELATED: How Much Do German Shepherd Puppies Sleep?

Feeding Tips for a 7 Week Old German Shepherd Puppy

Recommended feeding schedule

Feeding your puppy can be a bit challenging, especially if you are doing it for the first time.

However, with the right feeding schedule, you can ensure that your pup is getting all the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong.

Puppies at this age require frequent meals throughout the day to support their rapid growth and development.

It is recommended that you feed them four small meals a day until they are about six months old.

This will help prevent digestive issues and keep their energy levels stable.

How much to feed the puppy

Portion control is crucial. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health problems later in life. The amount of food you should give your pup depends on their weight.

A general rule of thumb is to feed them 1/4 to 1/2 cup of high-quality puppy food per meal.

Types of food suitable for puppies

Choosing the right type of food for your 7-week-old puppy is essential for their growth and development.

Look for high-quality commercial puppy foods that have been specially formulated for puppies’ nutritional needs.

These foods should contain essential nutrients like protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates necessary for healthy growth.

You may also consider homemade dog food recipes as long as they are balanced and meet all nutritional requirements needed by your pup at this stage in life.

Avoid feeding your puppy table scraps or human foods as they may not provide all the nutrients they need or could cause digestive issues.

RELATED: How Much To Feed a German Shepherd Puppy?

How to transition from breeder’s food to a new diet

If you have just brought home a new 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy, it’s likely they were being fed by their breeder before coming home with you.

It’s essential to transition them gradually to their new diet to avoid digestive issues.

Start by mixing a small amount of the new food with the breeder’s food and slowly increasing the new food’s portion size over several days.

It is also important to note that puppies have sensitive stomachs, so sudden changes in diet can cause diarrhea or vomiting.

If you notice any signs of digestive upset, slow down the transition process or consult your veterinarian.

Best Food for a 7 Week Old German Shepherd Puppy

Nutritional Requirements Specific to the Breed

German Shepherds are a large breed of dogs that require specific nutritional needs to support their growth and development.

At seven weeks old, they need a balanced diet that contains high-quality protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

A puppy’s diet should contain at least 22% protein and 8% fat to ensure proper growth.

German Shepherds are prone to hip dysplasia, which is why it’s essential to feed them food that contains glucosamine and chondroitin. These nutrients help maintain joint health and prevent future problems.

Ingredients to Look for in High-Quality Dog Food

When choosing the best food for your puppy, look for high-quality dog food brands that contain whole meat as the first ingredient.

Avoid dog foods with fillers such as corn or wheat gluten, soy, or animal by-products.

Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids are also beneficial for your puppy’s brain development. Foods enriched with vitamins E and C help boost your puppy’s immune system.

Wet vs Dry Food Options

Both wet and dry food options can be suitable for your young puppy; however, dry dog food is more convenient because it is easy to store and less expensive than wet dog food.

Wet dog food has higher water content than dry dog food; hence it provides better hydration. However, it can cause dental issues if not supplemented with dry kibble or dental treats.

Homemade vs Store-Bought Diets

Homemade diets can be an excellent option if you have time to prepare meals for your puppy daily.

Homemade diets allow you to control what goes into your pup’s diet; hence you can avoid artificial additives or preservatives found in commercial pet foods.

However, homemade diets may lack essential nutrients required by growing puppies; hence consult a veterinary nutritionist before starting a homemade diet.

Store-bought diets are convenient and come in different formulas tailored to meet specific nutritional needs.

Look for dog food brands that have undergone testing and have met AAFCO standards.

RELATED: 11-Week-Old German Shepherd: What To Expect

What To Do If Your Pup is a Picky Eater

Some puppies can be picky eaters, which can be frustrating for pet owners. Here are some strategies that you can use to encourage your puppy to eat their meals:

  1. Establish a feeding schedule and stick to it.
  2. Choose high-quality puppy food that is formulated for your pup’s breed and age.
  3. Add warm water or broth to the food to make it more appealing.
  4. Use treats as a reward for eating their meals.
  5. Make sure the feeding area is quiet and free from distractions.

It’s important to note that if your puppy continues not to eat, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue, such as dental problems or gastrointestinal issues.

Warning Signs of Potential Health Problems Related To Appetite

As mentioned earlier, picky eating could be a warning sign of an underlying health problem in puppies. Here are some signs you should look out for:

  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Vomiting
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Lethargy
  5. Weight loss

If you notice any of these symptoms in your 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy, contact your veterinarian immediately.

How To Prepare Your Home For a Puppy

Essential Supplies Needed Before Bringing Home a Puppy

Bringing home a 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy is an exciting experience for any family.

However, before you bring your new furry friend home, there are essential supplies that you need to prepare to ensure that your puppy is comfortable and safe.

Firstly, you need to get a crate or kennel for your new pup.

A crate will serve as a safe place for your puppy when they want to rest or sleep. It helps in-house training your puppy by teaching them where they can go potty.

You also need food and water bowls that are the right size for your puppy. It’s best to choose stainless steel bowls because they’re durable and easy to clean.

Other essential supplies include:

  • Collar and leash
  • ID tags
  • Puppy food
  • Treats
  • Toys
  • Bedding
  • Cleaning supplies like paper towels, disinfectant sprays, etc.

Tips for Creating a Safe and Comfortable Living Space

make a safe place for 7 week old german shepherd puppy

It’s essential to create a safe and comfortable living space for your 7 week old German Shepherd puppy. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  1. Designate an area in your house where the puppy can play, sleep, eat, drink water, and go potty.
  2. Remove all hazardous items from the designated area such as cleaning products or sharp objects.
  3. Ensure that all electrical cords are out of reach of the puppy.
  4. Put away anything that could harm the pup such as shoes or clothes.
  5. Provide enough toys so that the pup doesn’t become bored or destructive.

Creating a safe living space is crucial not only for the safety of your pup but also in preventing separation anxiety.

Check out this video of adorable 7-week-old German Shepherd puppies…

Juvenile and Adult Periods for German Shepherds

Like all dogs, GSDs go through different developmental stages from puppyhood to adulthood.

Understanding these stages is essential to ensure that your furry friend gets the best care possible.

Overview of Developmental Stages from Puppyhood Through Adulthood

The first year of a German Shepherd’s life can be divided into two main stages:

The juvenile period (2-6 months) and the adolescent period (6-18 months).

During the juvenile period, puppies start exploring their environment, socializing with other dogs and humans, and learning basic obedience commands.

They also start teething, which can lead to chewing on inappropriate objects.

In the adolescent stage, puppies become more independent and may challenge their owners’ authority.

They also experience hormonal changes that can affect their behavior.

After 18 months of age, German Shepherds reach adulthood but continue to mature mentally until they are three years old.

Behavioral Changes During Each Stage

During the juvenile period, GSD pups are curious and playful but have short attention spans.

They need plenty of socialization with other dogs and people during this time to develop good manners and avoid fearfulness or aggression later in life.

In contrast, adolescent German Shepherds may become more stubborn or aggressive as they test boundaries.

They may also experience separation anxiety when left alone for long periods. It is crucial to provide them with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation during this stage. (

Adult German Shepherds tend to be calmer than adolescents but still require regular exercise and training to maintain good behavior.

They may also become more protective of their family members as they mature.

Here’s an article that provides valuable insights, milestones, and a helpful growth chart to guide you through the different stages of your German Shepherd’s growth journey.

Training Goals Specific to Each Stage

Training goals should align with each developmental stage’s specific needs.

During the juvenile period, focus on socialization and basic obedience training, such as sit, stay, come when called, and leash walking.

Positive reinforcement techniques work best at this stage.

In the adolescent stage, continue to reinforce basic obedience commands while introducing more advanced training, such as off-leash recall and agility exercises.

Consistency is essential during this time to establish good habits.

Adult German Shepherds benefit from ongoing training to maintain their good behavior and mental stimulation.

Consider enrolling them in advanced obedience classes or trying new activities like nose work or tracking.

Health Concerns Associated with Aging

German Shepherds are prone to certain health issues as they age. Hip dysplasia is a common condition that can lead to arthritis and mobility problems.

They may also develop eye problems like cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy.

To prevent these issues, make sure your doggy maintains a healthy weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Regular veterinary check-ups can catch potential health concerns early before they become more severe.

Care Tips for a 7 Week Old German Shepherd Puppy

Grooming Needs

Taking care of a 7 week old German Shepherd puppy involves several aspects, including grooming. Proper grooming ensures that your puppy stays healthy and comfortable. Here are some grooming tips for your furry friend:

  • Bathing: You should bathe your puppy every two to three months using shampoo formulated for dogs. However, avoid over-bathing as it can strip their coat of natural oils.
  • Brushing: Brushing your puppy’s coat regularly helps to remove dirt and prevent matting. Use a slicker brush or comb with wide teeth to groom their fur gently.
  • Nail Trimming: Trim your puppy’s nails once every two weeks using nail clippers or a grinder designed specifically for dogs. Be careful not to cut the quick (the pink area inside the nail) as it can cause bleeding and pain.

Exercise Requirements

At seven weeks old, German Shepherds are still developing physically and mentally. Therefore, they require regular exercise in moderation to keep them healthy but not overworked.

  • Playtime: Playtime is an essential part of exercise for puppies. Engage your furry friend in interactive games like fetch or tug-of-war.
  • Short Walks: Short walks around the neighborhood or park are ideal for puppies at this age. Keep them on a leash at all times and avoid strenuous activities like hiking until they’re older.
  • Training Sessions: Training sessions involving obedience commands like sit, stay, come are also an excellent form of exercise for puppies.

Preventative Measures Against Common Health Issues

German Shepherds are prone to several health issues such as hip dysplasia, bloat, allergies, and skin infections.

  • Vaccinations: Ensure that your puppy receives all necessary vaccinations according to the vet’s recommendations.
  • Dietary Needs: Feed your puppy a balanced diet with the right amount of nutrients to prevent health issues like obesity and malnutrition.
  • Regular Checkups: Schedule regular checkups with your vet to detect any potential health problems early.

Signs Indicating Illness or Injury

As a responsible pet owner, you should be aware of signs indicating illness or injury in your furry friend.

  • Lack of Appetite: If your puppy suddenly loses interest in food, it could be an indication of an underlying health problem.
  • Lethargy: Excessive sleepiness or unwillingness to play could also indicate that something is wrong.
  • Vomiting/Diarrhea: Frequent vomiting or diarrhea can lead to dehydration and other complications if left untreated.

Also Read:

How To Socialize a German Shepherd Puppy

Socialization Techniques to Use During Puppyhood

Socialization is an essential aspect of raising a 7 week old German Shepherd puppy. It involves exposing the puppy to various stimuli, including people, animals, sounds, and environments.

The goal is to help the puppy develop positive associations with different experiences and build its confidence.

The following are some socialization techniques you can use:

  • Puppy playdates: Arrange playdates with other puppies or well-behaved adult dogs to help your GSD puppy learn how to interact with other dogs.
  • Exposure to different environments: Take your puppy on walks in different environments such as parks, beaches, and busy streets. This will help the pup get used to new sights, smells, and sounds.
  • Positive reinforcement: Use treats and praise when your puppy behaves well during socialization experiences. This will reinforce positive behavior and encourage them to enjoy new experiences.

Don’t forget to check out my article on how to socialize your GSD puppy effectively.

Training a 7 Week Old German Shepherd Puppy

Importance of Early Training and Obedience

Early training is crucial for a young puppy’s development. Puppies have a short attention span, so it’s important to start training as early as possible. Basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come are the foundation for more advanced skills.

Here are some tips for early training:

  • Start small: Begin with basic commands like “sit” or “come.” Once your pup has mastered these commands, you can move on to more advanced skills.
  • Be consistent: Use consistent verbal cues or hand signals when teaching commands. Consistency helps the pup understand what you want them to do.
  • Use positive reinforcement: Reward good behavior with treats or praise. Avoid using punishment or negative reinforcement methods that may harm your pup’s mental health.

How to Teach Basic Commands Such as Sit, Stay, Come

Teaching basic commands is relatively easy if done correctly. Here are steps to follow when teaching basic commands:


  1. Hold a treat close to your pup’s nose.
  2. Move the treat up, so the puppy follows it with its head and eventually sits down
  3. Once the puppy is sitting, say “sit” and give them the treat.


  1. Ask your pup to sit.
  2. Hold your hand up in front of you and say “stay.”
  3. Take a step back and reward your pup if they stay put.
  4. Gradually increase the distance between you and your pup as they get better at staying.


  1. Start by calling out “come” while backing away from your pup.
  2. When they come towards you, reward them with a treat or praise.
  3. Repeat this process several times until your puppy understands what “come” means.

Training Strategies for More Advanced Skills

Once your baby GSD has mastered basic commands, you can move on to more advanced skills such as leash walking, off-leash training, and agility training.

Here are some tips for advanced training:

  • Leash walking: Start by introducing the puppy to a properly fitted collar or harness and a lightweight leash. Begin in a quiet, distraction-free environment and use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats and praise to reward your puppy for walking beside you. Gradually increase the difficulty by practicing in more stimulating environments, gradually exposing your puppy to distractions while reinforcing good leash manners.
  • Off-Leash Training: Once your puppy consistently responds to basic obedience commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come” on a leash, you can start practicing in a securely fenced area or a designated dog park. It’s crucial to prioritize safety by ensuring a reliable recall (coming when called) before allowing your puppy off-leash in an unenclosed area.
  • Agility Training: Agility training is a fun and stimulating activity for a young puppy. It involves navigating through a series of obstacles such as jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and seesaws. Introduce your puppy to each obstacle gradually, using positive reinforcement and reward-based training. Start with low jumps, open tunnels, and simple weave poles, gradually increasing the difficulty as your puppy becomes more comfortable and confident.

Here’s a comprehensive tutorial on teaching your GSD puppy 30 essential training commands.

Timeline for Training a German Shepherd Puppy

Overview of the typical timeline for training milestones

Training a baby GSD can be an exciting yet challenging experience. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the typical timeline for training milestones to ensure that you are on track with your pup’s development.

At seven weeks old, your young puppy is still in its early stages of development and requires consistent training to establish good behavior patterns.

Typically, it takes about two years to train a German Shepherd fully. However, some puppies may take longer or shorter periods depending on their personality, breed, and previous experiences.

The following is an overview of the typical timeline for training milestones:

  • 8-12 weeks: During this period, your puppy will learn basic commands such as sit, come and stay. They will also start getting used to being handled by humans.
  • 3-6 months: At this stage, your puppy will begin teething and may chew on everything they find. You should provide them with appropriate chew toys to prevent destructive behavior. You can also introduce more advanced commands such as heel and down.
  • 6-12 months: As your pup enters adolescence, they may become more independent and stubborn. Consistency in training is crucial at this stage as they test boundaries. You can also start introducing agility exercises and socialization with other dogs.
  • 1 year+: By now, your dog should have mastered all basic commands and started developing specialized skills such as tracking or obedience competitions.

Factors that can affect the pace of training progress

Several factors can affect the pace of training progress for your baby GSD.

Firstly, genetics play a significant role in determining how fast or slow your dog learns new tricks or commands.

Some breeds are naturally intelligent and pick up new skills faster than others.

Secondly, the environment plays a vital role in shaping a dog’s behavior patterns during their formative years.

Puppies that are exposed to different stimuli such as other dogs, people, and noises tend to be more adaptable and well-behaved.

Thirdly, consistency in training is crucial for your puppy’s development. Training should be done regularly without long gaps between sessions to ensure that your dog retains what they have learned.

Tips for staying consistent with training goals

Staying consistent with training goals is essential for your young pup’s development. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

  • Set realistic goals: Break down the training process into small achievable steps and celebrate each milestone.
  • Use positive reinforcement: Reward good behavior with treats or praise to encourage your pup to repeat it.
  • Keep training sessions short: Puppies have a short attention span, so keep the sessions brief and engaging.
  • Be patient: Training takes time, so don’t rush the process or become frustrated if your dog does not learn as fast as you would like.

Potty Training a 7 Week Old German Shepherd Puppy

potty training a 7 week old german shepherd puppy

Recommended Potty Break Frequency Based on Age and Size

Potty training a 7 week old German Shepherd can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can be done effectively.

One of the most important aspects of potty training is to establish a regular schedule for taking your puppy outside.

The frequency of potty breaks will depend on your puppy’s age and size.

As a general rule, puppies should be taken outside to eliminate every hour for each month of age.

For example, a 2-month-old puppy should be taken out every two hours, while a 3-month-old puppy should be taken out every three hours.

However, keep in mind that smaller breeds have smaller bladders and may need more frequent potty breaks.

Signs Indicating When a Puppy Needs to Go Outside

In addition to following a regular potty break schedule, it’s important to pay attention to your puppy’s behavior and body language to determine when they need to go outside.

Some common signs that indicate your puppy needs to go outside include:

  • Whining or barking
  • Circling or sniffing around
  • Scratching at the door or whining by the door
  • Suddenly becoming restless or hyperactive

It’s also important to take your puppy outside immediately after eating, drinking water, playing, or waking up from a nap.

You can also check out my article on how to potty train a baby GSD.

Strategies for Encouraging Proper Elimination Habits

Consistency is key. Here are some strategies you can use to encourage proper elimination habits:

  • Take your puppy out on a leash so they learn that going potty is only allowed in certain areas.
  • Use positive reinforcement such as treats and praise when your puppy goes potty outside.
  • Avoid punishing your puppy for accidents inside the house as this can confuse them.
  • Supervise your puppy closely indoors and intervene if you notice them sniffing around or circling.
  • Use a command such as “go potty” or “do your business” to help your puppy associate the behavior with the command.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Potty Training

Potty training can be frustrating, but there are some common mistakes you should avoid:

  • Punishing your puppy for accidents inside the house
  • Not supervising your puppy closely enough indoors
  • Inconsistency in scheduling and routine
  • Using harsh methods such as rubbing their nose in accidents

Remember that potty training takes time and patience.

With consistent effort and positive reinforcement, your 7 week old German Shepherd will learn proper elimination habits and become a well-trained companion.

Crate Training and Obedience Goals for a Young Pup

Benefits of Crate Training

Crate training is one of the most effective methods to train a new puppy. It provides a safe and comfortable space for your furry friend, which can help them feel secure and relaxed. Crate training can also help with housebreaking, separation anxiety, and destructive behavior.

Tips for Introducing a Crate to a New Puppy

Introducing your puppy to their new crate requires patience and consistency. Here are some tips to make it easier:

  • Choose the right size: The crate should be big enough for your pup to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably.
  • Make it cozy: Add soft blankets or bedding inside the crate to make it more inviting.
  • Start slow: Encourage your puppy to explore the crate on their own by leaving treats or toys inside.
  • Gradually increase time: Once your puppy feels comfortable in the crate, start closing the door for short periods while you’re at home. Gradually increase the amount of time they spend inside.

Recommended Crate Sizes Based on Age and Weight

Choosing the right size crate is crucial for both comfort and safety. Here are some general guidelines based on age and weight:

  • 8-10 weeks old: 18″ – 22″ (L) x 12″ – 16″ (W) x 14″ – 16″ (H)
  • 11-14 weeks old: 24″ – 30″ (L) x 18″ – 20″ (W) x 20″ -22″(H)
  • Adult dogs: Up to 48”(L) x30”(W)x32”(H)

It’s always best to measure your dog’s height from floor-to-top of head when standing up straight then add two inches as clearance.

RELATED: How to Crate Train a German Shepherd Puppy?

Obedience Goals Achievable Through Crate Training

Crate training can be an effective way to teach your puppy obedience skills. Here are some goals you can achieve through crate training:

  • Housebreaking: By keeping your pup in its crate when you’re not home, you can prevent accidents and encourage them to hold its bladder.
  • Separation anxiety: Crates provide a safe space for your dog when they’re feeling anxious or stressed.
  • Destructive behavior: If your puppy is prone to chewing on furniture or other household items, a crate can help keep them out of trouble.
  • Basic commands: You can use the crate as a tool to teach basic commands like “sit” and “stay.” For example, have your puppy sit before letting them out of the crate.

Recommended Grooming Tools

Grooming is an essential part of taking care of your 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy.

To groom your puppy, you will need some basic tools such as a slicker brush, a metal comb, nail clippers, and shampoo specifically designed for dogs.

A slicker brush is perfect for removing loose fur and dirt from your puppy’s coat without damaging its skin.

A metal comb can be used to remove tangles and mats in their fur.

When choosing the right shampoo for your young pup, make sure it is free from harsh chemicals that may irritate their sensitive skin.

Look for shampoos that are formulated with natural ingredients like oatmeal or chamomile to soothe their skin while keeping it clean.


Taking care of a 7 week old German Shepherd puppy can be challenging but rewarding. It is important to ensure that your puppy is getting the right nutrition, exercise, and socialization to help them grow into a healthy and well-behaved adult dog.

With proper training and care, your young pup will become a loyal companion for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How much should a 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy eat?

7-week-old German Shepherd puppy should typically eat about 3 to 4 small meals a day, with each meal consisting of about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of high-quality puppy food.

2. How often should I take my 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy outside to potty?

At this age, it’s recommended to take your puppy outside to potty every 1 to 2 hours, as well as after meals, naps, and playtime. Consistency and positive reinforcement will help with potty training.

3. How long should a 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy sleep?

On average, a 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy needs about 18 to 20 hours of sleep per day. They have bursts of energy followed by frequent napping to support their growth and development.

4. Can I start training my 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy?

Yes, you can start basic training at this age. Focus on teaching simple commands like “sit” and “stay” using positive reinforcement methods and short training sessions to keep their attention span engaged.

5. How much exercise should a 7-week-old German Shepherd puppy get?

At this age, German Shepherd puppies should have short, gentle play sessions to avoid overexertion. Around 10 to 15 minutes of low-impact exercise, such as controlled walks or supervised playtime, is generally suitable.

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