My Shepherd BFF

Do German Shepherds Like To Cuddle? How To Teach Them Cuddling

do German shepherds like to cuddle

Do German Shepherds like to cuddle? Well, German Shepherds may not be lap dogs by definition, but that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate a good cuddle session.

When it’s time for some quality cuddle time, you might find your GSD puppy curling up beside you or resting its head on your lap. They enjoy the physical closeness and the comfort it brings.

However, some German Shepherds may not like to cuddle because of their past experiences or individual personalities.

However, if your German Shepherd isn’t fond of cuddling, I’ll provide you with some tips later on that can assist in teaching your dog to embrace cuddle time.

Do German Shepherds Like to Cuddle?

Many German Shepherds do enjoy cuddling with their owners, but it ultimately depends on the individual dog’s personality, upbringing, and experiences. GSDs are known for their loyalty and strong bond with their families, which can lead to them seeking close physical contact, including cuddling.

Cuddling provides comfort and security for both dogs and humans. It strengthens the bond between you and your German Shepherd, creating a sense of trust and intimacy.

Your dog may lean against you or rest their head on your lap while enjoying some quality cuddle time. They might even nuzzle into your neck or curl up against your side, relishing in the warmth of your presence.

Not only does cuddling make German Shepherds feel loved and secure, but it also releases oxytocin in both dogs and humans. Oxytocin is often referred to as the “love hormone” because it promotes feelings of happiness, relaxation, and overall well-being.

German shepherd cuddling

Why Do German Shepherds Like to Cuddle?

German Shepherds, like many other dog breeds, have a range of behaviors and preferences influenced by their evolutionary history, genetics, and domestication. Here are some reasons why German Shepherds might enjoy cuddling:

1. They are social animals

Dogs are inherently social animals that have evolved to live in groups. Cuddling and close physical contact are ways for them to bond with their pack members, which in a domestic setting often includes their human family.

2. For comfort and security

Cuddling provides warmth, comfort, and a sense of security for dogs. Just as puppies snuggle with their mother and littermates for warmth and protection, adult dogs can find these feelings of safety and comfort when cuddling with their human companions.

3. For bonding with their owners

Cuddling is a way for dogs to express their affection and deepen their bond with their owners. German Shepherds are known for their strong loyalty and desire to be close to their families, and cuddling is a way to reinforce this connection.

4. Cuddling helps in relaxation and stress reduction

Physical contact, such as cuddling, can release oxytocin (often called the “love hormone”) in both dogs and humans. This hormone promotes feelings of relaxation and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

5. For attention and positive reinforcement

Dogs thrive on attention from their owners. If a German Shepherd receives positive attention, pets, and hugs when they engage in cuddling behavior, they’re more likely to repeat it as it becomes associated with a rewarding experience.

6. Cuddling is also an observational learning behavior

GSDs are smart dogs and they are keen observers of human behavior. If they see their human family members hugging and enjoying physical closeness, they might learn that cuddling is a desirable behavior.

7. Cuddling is also an inherited genetic trait

Some degree of cuddliness might be genetically predisposed in certain breeds, including the German Shepherd. Breeding for certain traits over generations can influence a breed’s behavior, including their inclination to hug.

It’s important to note that individual dogs within a breed can vary in their preferences. While many German Shepherds might enjoy cuddling, some may not be as interested due to their unique personalities, past experiences, or other factors.


Why Do German Shepherds Not Like To Cuddle?

Some German Shepherds may not be as inclined to cuddle as others

While many German Shepherds adore cuddling, it’s important to remember that every dog is unique. Just like humans have different personalities and preferences, so do our canine companions.

There can be various reasons why certain German Shepherds may not enjoy cuddling as much. For instance:

  1. Temperament: Some dogs simply have more independent personalities or prefer showing affection in other ways.
  2. Past experiences: If a German Shepherd had negative experiences with cuddling or physical contact in the past, they might be hesitant to engage in it again.
  3. Health issues: Dogs experiencing pain or discomfort from health issues such as arthritis or joint problems may not want to be touched or hugged.

If your German Shepherd doesn’t seem interested in cuddling, don’t force them. Respect their boundaries and find other ways to show your love and affection. They may prefer playing fetch, going for walks, or receiving belly rubs instead.

gsd puppy cuddling with woman

Do German Shepherd Puppies Like to Cuddle?

Yes, many German Shepherd puppies enjoy cuddling. Cuddling is a natural behavior for young puppies, regardless of their breed. Puppies, including German Shepherds, seek warmth, comfort, and security, just as they would when they were with their mother and littermates.

Cuddling offers them a sense of safety and familiarity in their new environment. Their preference for hugging is also influenced by their innate need for social interaction and bonding.

During their initial weeks of life, puppies receive warmth, protection, and nourishment from their mother and littermates through close physical contact. This experience establishes a foundation for their understanding of comfort and connection.

As they transition to their new homes, they naturally seek similar feelings of security from their human companions.

German Shepherd puppies, in particular, are known for their strong desire to form close relationships with their families. This can manifest in their affectionate behaviors, such as snuggling, curling up on laps, or resting their head against their owners.

However, it’s important to remember that each puppy has its own personality and comfort level. Some German Shepherd puppies might be more naturally inclined to hug, while others could be more independent.

RELATED: German Shepherd Behavior Stages By Age

Do Female German Shepherds Like to Cuddle?

Female German Shepherds, like their male counterparts, can have varied preferences when it comes to cuddling. Just like any other individual dog, their inclination toward cuddling depends on factors such as personality, past experiences, training, and socialization.

Some female German Shepherds do enjoy cuddling, while others may be less interested.

Female German Shepherds often form strong bonds with their owners. If a close and trusting relationship is established, they are more likely to seek out physical contact, including cuddling.

A female German Shepherd’s desire to hug can be influenced by her health and comfort. If she’s feeling unwell or experiencing pain, she might be less interested in physical contact.

Factors such as age and hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or heat cycles, can impact a female German Shepherd’s behavior and preferences for cuddling.

Early socialization plays a role in shaping a dog’s behavior. If a female German Shepherd is exposed to positive interactions, including cuddling, during their early developmental stages, they might be more comfortable with it as they grow.

do German shepherds like to cuddle

How Can I Teach My German Shepherd to Cuddle?

Teaching your German Shepherd to cuddle can be a rewarding process that strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Here are steps you can follow to help your German Shepherd become comfortable with cuddling:

1. Create a Positive Environment

  • Choose a calm and comfortable environment where both you and your dog can relax.
  • Ensure there are no distractions or potential stressors that could make your dog uncomfortable.

2. Build Trust and Bond

  • Spend quality time with your German Shepherd, engaging in activities they enjoy. This helps build trust and a positive bond between you.
  • Use positive reinforcement techniques like treats, praise, and gentle petting to create a positive association with your presence.

3. Respect Their Comfort Zone

  • Allow your dog to approach you on their terms. Avoid forcing hugs, as this might create a negative association.
  • Pay attention to your dog’s body language. If they show signs of stress, fear, or avoidance, give them space and try again later.

4. Start with Short Sessions

  • Begin with short sessions of gentle physical contact, such as petting or gentle strokes along their back and sides.
  • Gradually increase the duration of these sessions as your dog becomes more comfortable.

5. Choose a Comfortable Position

Experiment with different cuddling positions to find what your German Shepherd prefers. Some dogs might enjoy sitting on your lap, leaning against you, or resting their head on your lap.

6. Use Treats and Positive Reinforcement

  • Reward your dog with treats and praise when they show interest in hugging or being close to you.
  • Associate cuddling with positive experiences by offering treats during and after cuddling sessions.

7. Maintain Calm Energy

Approach cuddling with calm and relaxed energy. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that could startle your dog.

8. Respect Their Response

  • If your German Shepherd seems uncomfortable or tries to move away, respect their signals and give them space.
  • Over time, they may become more comfortable with cuddling as they associate it with positive experiences.

9. Consistency and Patience

  • Consistency is key. Regularly engage in short hugs to reinforce the behavior.
  • Be patient and understanding, as some dogs take longer than others to become comfortable with physical closeness.

10. Avoid Forcing

Never force your German Shepherd to cuddle or hold them against their will. This can create negative associations and erode trust.

Remember that building a strong bond with your German Shepherd takes time and effort. Your dog’s comfort and preferences should always be your priority.

Do German Shepherds Like To Cuddle at Night?

Yes, most German Shepherds are known to enjoy cuddling at night. They are loyal and affectionate dogs that often seek physical closeness with their owners, especially during bedtime. Cuddling can help strengthen the bond between a German Shepherd and its owner, providing comfort and security for both parties.

However, please keep in mind that whether German Shepherds like to cuddle at night can vary depending on the individual dog and its upbringing, personality, and environment.

Some German Shepherds may enjoy cuddling at night as a way to bond with their owners and seek warmth and comfort, while others may prefer their own space for sleeping.

Factors such as temperament, socialization, health and comfort, routine and environment, and owner’s behavior can influence their preference for cuddling at night.

Ultimately, it’s essential to observe and respect the preferences of each individual dog, providing options for comfort and ensuring they feel safe and secure in their sleeping environment.


In conclusion, German Shepherds do like to cuddle, but the extent to which they seek physical affection may vary. Pay attention to your dog’s individual preferences and respect their boundaries. Remember that building a strong bond with your German Shepherd goes beyond cuddling; it involves consistent love, care, and understanding.

If you’re considering getting a German Shepherd or already have one, remember that each dog is unique. Take the time to understand their personality and needs to ensure a fulfilling relationship filled with cuddles and unconditional love.

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