My Shepherd BFF

Amit Gupta

What To Do With German Shepherd While at Work

What To Do With German Shepherd While at Work? 10 Ideas

Leaving a German Shepherd at home while you’re at work can be a challenge. Known for their high energy and intelligence, German Shepherds require adequate physical exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction to stay healthy and happy. Without proper planning and care, these loyal and active dogs may develop undesirable behaviors due to boredom or […]

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why does my german shepherd circle me

Why Does My German Shepherd Circle Me? 8 Reasons

Your German Shepherd may circle you due to instincts like herding, seeking attention, playfulness, protection, or excitement. It can also indicate anxiety, compulsive behavior, or health issues. Understanding the context can help you identify the root cause of this behavior. German Shepherds communicate through a combination of vocalizations, body language, and behavior, including the circling

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german shepherd herding behavior

How To Manage Your German Shepherd’s Herding Behavior

Originating from Germany in the late 19th century, German Shepherds were meticulously bred to excel in herding sheep and protecting flocks from predators. Today, while many German Shepherds have transitioned from pastoral fields to diverse roles such as law enforcement, and loyal companionship, their herding roots remain a pivotal aspect of their character. This instinct

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Traveling with a German Shepherd

Traveling with a German Shepherd in the Car: A Guide

Traveling with a German Shepherd can turn any trip into an extraordinary adventure. However, embarking on a journey with a large dog like a German Shepherd presents unique challenges and responsibilities. From ensuring their safety and comfort to accommodating their needs, preparation is key to a successful road trip. This guide offers comprehensive advice on

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Are German Shepherds High Maintenance

Are German Shepherds High Maintenance?

Despite their many admirable qualities, potential owners often wonder if German Shepherds are high maintenance. The term “high maintenance” can encompass a variety of needs, including physical care, mental stimulation, and emotional support.  This blog post aims to explore these aspects in detail, providing a comprehensive overview of what potential and current German Shepherd owners

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do german shepherd puppies drink a lot of water

How Much Water Do German Shepherds Drink in a Day?

Understanding how much water your German Shepherd needs to drink daily is crucial for their well-being. However, water intake in dogs, especially as dynamic as the German Shepherds, can be influenced by various factors including their activity level, age, diet, and even the weather conditions. So in this guide, we will explore how much water

How Much Water Do German Shepherds Drink in a Day? Read More »

German shepherd depression

10 Signs Your German Shepherd is Depressed: Causes & Solutions

Depression in German Shepherds is more common than many owners might think. Just like humans, dogs can experience periods of sadness, lethargy, and a lack of interest in activities they once enjoyed. Recognizing the signs of depression in your furry friend is the first step toward helping them recover. This blog post aims to shed

10 Signs Your German Shepherd is Depressed: Causes & Solutions Read More »

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