My Shepherd BFF

EPI in German Shepherds (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency): Treatment & Diet

German Shepherd EPI

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency or EPI in German Shepherds can be a distressing condition for both pets and their owners. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for providing the best care for your canine companion.

In today’s article, we’ll explore common symptoms that may indicate your GSD is suffering from pancreatic insufficiency and discuss available treatment approaches to manage this condition effectively.

What is EPI in German Shepherds

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) in GSDs is a condition characterized by the inadequate production and secretion of digestive enzymes by the pancreas. In dogs with EPI, the insufficient production of these digestive enzymes leads to poor nutrient absorption in the small intestine.

The pancreas is a vital organ responsible for producing enzymes necessary for the digestion of food, particularly fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

The primary digestive enzymes affected by EPI are lipase, protease, and amylase, which play crucial roles in breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, respectively.

Without these enzymes, the dog’s body struggles to absorb essential nutrients from food, leading to malnutrition despite a seemingly normal or increased appetite.

gsd exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
3D rendered medical illustration of German Shepherd’s pancreas

German Shepherd EPI Symptoms

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) in German Shepherds can manifest with various symptoms related to impaired digestion and nutrient absorption. Here are common symptoms associated with EPI:

  1. Weight Loss: One of the most noticeable signs is unexplained weight loss, despite a seemingly normal or increased appetite. The dog’s body struggles to absorb essential nutrients from food, leading to a gradual loss of body weight.
  2. Diarrhea: GSDs with EPI often experience chronic diarrhea, which may be greasy, voluminous, and foul-smelling. The malabsorption of fats contributes to this digestive issue.
  3. Soft Stool: They may have a soft stool that is pale, greasy, and/or especially smelly—this is due to the presence of undigested food within the intestinal tract
  4. Increased Appetite: Paradoxically, German Shepherd dogs with EPI may exhibit an increased appetite as their bodies attempt to compensate for the nutrient malabsorption. Some GSDs may also start eating feces (coprophagia).
  5. Flaky Skin & Poor Coat: Malnutrition resulting from EPI can lead to changes in the dog’s coat, making it dull, dry, and lacking its usual luster.
  6. Flatulence: Excessive gas production is a common symptom of EPI in GSDs due to the incomplete digestion of food in the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Changes in Behavior and Energy Levels: Dogs with EPI may display lethargy, weakness, or changes in behavior as a result of nutritional deficiencies and discomfort.

It’s important to note that these symptoms can overlap with other gastrointestinal conditions, making an accurate diagnosis crucial. If you suspect German Shepherd dog may have EPI based on observed symptoms, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian for a thorough examination, diagnostic tests, and a tailored treatment plan.

Old German Shepherd with EPI

German Shepherd EPI Causes

EPI in German Shepherd dogs can have various causes, and it often results from a deficiency in the production and secretion of digestive enzymes by the pancreas. Here are some common causes and risk factors associated with EPI in GSDs:

  1. Genetic Predisposition: According to this research, German Shepherds are genetically predisposed to developing EPI.
  2. Pancreatic acinar atrophy (PAA): PAA is a genetic disease that leads to a GSD’s immune system destroying the cells in the pancreas that make digestive enzymes.
  3. Chronic Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas over an extended period can lead to damage to the pancreatic tissue, affecting its ability to produce enzymes.
  4. Pancreatic Injury or Surgery: Trauma to the pancreas, whether due to injury or surgical procedures, can disrupt the normal functioning of the organ.
  5. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Dogs with chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, such as IBD, may experience disruptions in pancreatic function, contributing to EPI.
  6. Pancreatic Neoplasia: Tumors or growths in the pancreas can interfere with its normal function, potentially leading to EPI.
  7. Infections: Certain infections, particularly those affecting the pancreas, can contribute to the development of EPI.
  8. Idiopathic Causes: In some cases, the exact cause of EPI may remain unknown (idiopathic). It is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning other potential causes are ruled out, and the condition is diagnosed based on clinical signs and test results.
3D rendered illustration of the organs of the German SHepherd dog

How To Diagnose EPI in German Shepherds

Diagnosing EPI in German Shepherds involves a combination of clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, and imaging studies. Here are the typical steps involved in the diagnostic process:

Clinical Evaluation

The veterinarian will start by gathering a comprehensive medical history, including details about the dog’s diet, behavior, and any observed symptoms.

A thorough physical examination will be conducted to assess the dog’s overall health and identify any signs of EPI.

Blood Tests

Bloodwork is often performed to assess various parameters, including blood glucose levels and pancreatic enzymes.

Low blood levels of specific pancreatic enzymes, such as amylase and lipase, may raise suspicion of EPI.

The best test specifically for EPI in German Shepherds is the Trypsin-like immunoreactivity test (TLI).

TLI is a digestive enzyme produced by the pancreas, and in German Shepherds with EPI, blood-trypsin levels are significantly lower than they should be, which indicates pancreatic insufficiency.

Imaging Techniques

Imaging studies, such as ultrasound or MRI, may be recommended to visualize the pancreas and assess its structure.

These imaging techniques help identify any abnormalities, such as inflammation or tumors, that may be contributing to EPI.

Response to Treatment

A definitive diagnosis of EPI is often confirmed by observing a positive response to treatment. If a dog shows improvement in symptoms and weight gain with enzyme replacement therapy, it supports the diagnosis of EPI.

Since the symptoms of EPI can overlap with other gastrointestinal disorders, the veterinarian will work to rule out alternative causes of the observed clinical signs.

It’s important to note that the diagnostic process may vary based on the individual dog’s presentation and the veterinarian’s judgment.


German Shepherd EPI

German Shepherd EPI Treatment

The treatment of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in GSDs typically involves a combination of dietary modifications, enzyme replacement therapy, and addressing any underlying causes. Here’s an overview of the primary treatment approaches:

Enzyme Replacement Therapy (ERT)

The cornerstone of EPI treatment involves supplementing the dog’s diet with pancreatic enzymes.

These enzymes help compensate for the insufficient production by the pancreas, aiding in the digestion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Pancreatic enzyme supplements are usually given with each meal. The dosage is determined based on the dog’s weight, the severity of EPI, and individual response to treatment.

Popular enzyme replacement products include pancrelipase, which contains amylase, lipase, and protease.

Dietary Modifications

Switching to easily digestible and highly absorbable diets can support German Shepherds with EPI.

Specialized EPI diets are available commercially and are formulated to be low in fat and high in easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins.

Feeding smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day can also assist in managing EPI symptoms.

We will discuss more about the diet of German Shepherd with EPI in the next section.

Addressing Underlying Causes

If an underlying cause for EPI, such as chronic pancreatitis or inflammatory bowel disease, is identified, addressing that condition is an integral part of the treatment plan.

This may involve specific medications or therapies tailored to the underlying cause.

Veterinary Oversight and Monitoring

Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor the dog’s progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.

Periodic blood tests and fecal tests may be recommended to assess enzyme levels and overall health.

Nutritional Support

Nutritional supplements may be prescribed to address any nutrient deficiencies that may have occurred prior to the diagnosis or as a result of EPI.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Pet owners may need to make lifestyle adjustments, such as being consistent with feeding times, portion control, and maintaining a stress-free environment.

Each dog may respond differently to treatment, so close monitoring and ongoing communication with the veterinarian are crucial for tailoring the approach to the individual needs of the dog. With proper treatment and care, many dogs with EPI can lead happy and healthy lives.

German Shepherd EPI Diet

If you’re wondering “What Should I Feed My German Shepherd with EPI?”. Well, here’s your answer!

Feeding a German Shepherd with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency requires careful consideration of their dietary needs. The primary goal is to provide easily digestible and highly absorbable nutrients while managing fat intake.

Here are some general guidelines for feeding a dog with EPI:

Specialized EPI Diets

Consider commercial dog foods specifically formulated for dogs with EPI. These diets are typically low in fat, easily digestible, and contain added nutrients.

Look for products labeled as “low-fat,” “digestive support,” or explicitly designed for dogs with pancreatic issues.

Low-Fat Diets

Choose diets that are low in fat, as dogs with EPI may have difficulty digesting and absorbing fats. Limiting fat intake helps prevent symptoms such as diarrhea and malabsorption.

Opt for foods with a fat content of around 7-10% or lower.

Highly Digestible Carbohydrates and Proteins

Select diets rich in easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins. These include rice, potatoes, and lean proteins like chicken or turkey.

Avoid complex carbohydrates and high-fiber diets, as these may be challenging for dogs with EPI to digest.

Homemade Diets

Some pet owners opt to prepare homemade diets for dogs with EPI. Consult with your veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist to ensure the diet is nutritionally balanced.

Homemade diets often include lean meats, well-cooked rice, and certain vegetables.

Small, Frequent Meals

Divide the daily food allowance into several small meals throughout the day. This helps manage the workload on the digestive system and prevents overwhelming the compromised pancreas.

Pancreatic Enzyme Supplements

Provide any prescribed enzyme replacement supplements as recommended by your veterinarian. These supplements help compensate for the lack of pancreatic enzymes and aid in the digestion of food.

Avoid Feeding Your GSD Treats and Table Scraps

Minimize or eliminate treats and table scraps, especially those high in fat. Stick to the prescribed diet to maintain consistency and prevent triggering EPI symptoms.

Always consult with your veterinarian before making significant changes to your dog’s diet. They can provide guidance on the most suitable commercial diets or help you formulate a homemade diet that meets your dog’s nutritional needs.

How common is EPI in German Shepherds?

EPI appears to be relatively common in German Shepherds compared to other dog breeds. The genetic component plays a significant role in the development of EPI in German Shepherds.

Genetic factors contribute to the atrophy of pancreatic acinar cells, which are responsible for producing digestive enzymes. In German Shepherds, there may be a hereditary predisposition that makes them more susceptible to this condition.

While not all German Shepherds will develop EPI, the breed does have an increased risk compared to some other breeds.

Closing Thoughts

You’ve now gained a comprehensive understanding of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) in German Shepherds. From recognizing the symptoms to exploring treatment options and long-term management, you’re equipped with the knowledge to support your furry friend.

Remember, early detection and proactive measures are key in managing EPI effectively. Consult your veterinarian for personalized advice, and don’t hesitate to make necessary dietary and lifestyle adjustments for your dog’s well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is EPI in German Shepherd curable?

EPI in German Shepherds is typically not curable, but it can be effectively managed with lifelong treatment. Enzyme replacement therapy and dietary modifications are key components of managing EPI to improve the dog’s quality of life.

2. How can I treat my GSD’s EPI at home?

You can’t treat dog EPI at home without going to the vet first. After the vet visit, establish the right balance of supplements and medications. Once achieved, managing EPI at home involves pancreatic enzyme and cobalamin supplementation, and occasionally, additional vitamin supplements, antibiotics, and acid-reducing medications tailored to the dog’s specific needs.

3. What is the life expectancy of a German Shepherd with EPI?

With proper treatment and care, dogs with EPI can have a near-normal life expectancy. Early diagnosis, consistent enzyme replacement therapy, and adherence to dietary recommendations contribute to a better prognosis for dogs with EPI.

4. Can German Shepherd puppies also get EPI?

Yes, puppies can develop EPI. While it is more commonly diagnosed in adult dogs, EPI can affect puppies. Genetic factors, pancreatic disorders, or other underlying health issues may contribute to the development of EPI in young dogs. Early detection and intervention are essential for effective management.


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